Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Infections and Strep and Ike...Oh my!

This weekend was awful! I got this eye infection. First thing that came to mind was pink eye...gross! Anyways, the more it got worse, the more I just knew it wasn't pink eye. I've had pink eye plenty of times to know this one was different. My eye was almost swollen shut, and the lid was severely red, almost purple. It also wasn't draining green and goopy at all, but it was draining clear. It seriously kept running down my face like I was crying. By Saturday, I was almost in tears all day because of the pain. I couldn't keep it open for very long at all. I decided, though, that I would wait it out until Monday, so that I could go to an Ophthalmologist, and not just some Quick Care Doctor because I knew that it wasn't just pink eye. On Monday, Thomas stayed home so that he could drive me because my vision was so blurry. (And still is for that matter) The doctor took one look at me and said that's not pink eye. She took a look in it with her machines, and told me that I had an infection up in the back of my eyelid. She said that only an oral antibiotic would help, as eye drops couldn't get that far back. She also told me that if I came down with a fever or my eyeball paralyzed and wouldn't move to go straight to the ER, as that would mean that the infection had made it back into places that we wouldn't want it....like my brain!! I'm so glad that I waited and went to the eye doctor! Monday morning, Sierra also woke up with a red eye, so we took her in too. She did have a little infection too, but not very bad, so I'm glad we caught it early. She only needs drops for hers. Today, when I woke up, the swelling in my eye is almost completely gone, but I do still have a lot of redness. Hopefully, by tomorrow I'll be looking a LOT better!

Harley has Strep throat again. This is probably the 7th or 8th time since we moved here last year. You know your kid has Strep too much, when instead of telling you her throat hurts, she says my Strep hurts! So, Thomas was the taxi driver on Monday, and took her to the Dr also. The Dr looked at Thomas, and said, "All I ever see her for is Strep!" To which Thomas thought to himself....Duh! We have been trying to get the 3 younger kids referred to an Ear, Nose,Throat Dr for awhile. They all snore, and Harley and Ryker both have been battling Strep since we moved. They always would put it off, and say Not Yet! So, this time Thomas wasn't leaving until he got the referral, and he did. Yeah!! Harley's snoring has gotten so bad that we can hear her all the way out in the living room. She also wakes up Aspen and Sierra a lot. (Oh, Aspen & Sierra already had their tonsils out a long time ago, that's why I didn't mention getting theirs out too.) One of the things that Thomas passed on to our kids was HUGE tonsils!!! So, hopefully we can get their tonsils out before our trip to Vegas for Christmas. **Crossing fingers**

Now...on to Ike!! So, you thought Ike only made a mess in Texas, did ya?? Well, the effects of Ike have hit the Midwest pretty hard too. Northern Indiana is under water, and a lot of Indiana, Illinois and Ohio are still without power. We only lost power for a few seconds on Sunday. The winds are what got us good. Driving around yesterday, we saw so many huge trees snapped like twigs at the base of their trunks! It is incredible to see what some wind can do! These pics are from my camera...sorry!

Hopefully, this week will get better, as I don't see how it get worse!! Have a GREAT week!!


. said...

Your infection sounds scary, I hope it continues to improve. Good for Thomas to stick to his guns about the referral. Some doctors are so tight with referrals, I never understand that.

It definitely has sounded like Ike caused MAJOR devastation across the midwest. My sister Nikki lives in Ohio and has had no power for a couple days. They expect it to be out for another 2 days or so. CRAZY! It doesn't seem real on the news until you find out people you know were affected. I am glad you and your family are safe.

trayci said...

Wow, what a week! I'm glad you're getting better, eye stuff is so scary. I have seen those pictures in the eye doctors office - yuck! Glad you're all safe from the storm also. Crazy about the ill effects of IKE for Indiana, kinda like a snowball effect.