Sunday, September 28, 2008

It's Official!

Ryker, Harley & Marina will be having their tonsils out together on Monday, October 6th. The doctor was a bit hesitant, but was willing to help us "get it over with" quickly. He admonished Thomas to take some days off of work to help me, as I will still be babysitting 5 other children every day. Well, Thomas doesn't really have any extra days off to use. So...what's a CRAZY mom like me to do?????

Well, I did the only thing a SMART mom like me could the FUN aunts to come and help out!!! That's right, Aunt Trayci & Aunt Taneil will be driving our new car out (that's a whole 'nother post) and then will stay to hang out and help me get through nursing 3 whiny kids back to health! We couldn't be more excited! The kids are just over the moon about having them come and take care of them.

YIPPEE!! Wish us luck!! We're gonna need it!!


. said...

I wish you all the best, you are a SuperMom!!!

trayci said...

yeah. luck is good!

Tru said...

Hey, thats not fair! You mean the UNEMPLOYED aunts, right?