Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Dear Mom and Dad

Student Name: Harley
Grade: 1 and 2

Dear Mom and Dad

thank you for helping me when I get the ansser wrong. I love you to help me do my work write. I love you so much. You teach me a lot of stuf because you want me to lirn a lot. Thank you for rember to do work in las vegaise. Some times the work is hard but you help me. You are nise to us. You are the best mom and dad I ever had. you work hard to teach me. please help me get good grades. I apereashate you helping me. Thank you so much fo helping. I mostly get the anssers write. Thank you for making brekfest Lunch and Dinner. Thank you for reading storys to me. Thank you for getting trislers for me. Thank you for givving me lots of love. Thank you for taking cear of me and watching over me. You love me I love you. Thank you for tucking me in every night. you rilly teach me a lot. you have two jobs. you have to watch babys and teach all your kids icsept Marina. You teach very good. you are good to us. We love you very much for ever and ever.

Today was "Appreciation Day" at their school. So, Harley wrote Tom and I this beautiful letter. I tried to copy it exactly as written. She was so proud that she filled up the entire page. This letter was so nice to get after having such a bad day yesterday. Harley just melts my heart. She and Ryker are always writing or drawing me such fun things just to let me know that they love me.

I love you too Harley!!

P.S. "trislers" is Twizzlers!! She is totally hooked on them right now...Hee Hee!! And she is in 1st grade, but doing 2nd grade work. That is why she wrote Grade 1 and 2. Such a smartie!!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

What a cute letter!! I love it