Saturday, September 29, 2007
Show & Tell
Posted by
Jamie G.
12:55 PM
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Smartie Pants!!
Ryker came running in the door today after school and told me, "MOM, I got 5 100s!!" He couldn't rip his backpack open fast enough! Then he proceeded to pull out 5 spelling tests, all with 100% score. Needless to say, I am a proud, proud mama!!
By the way, I had NO idea he even had spelling words each week! Pretty good for not studying, huh!!
Posted by
Jamie G.
9:02 PM
Indiana Misty Storm
This was interesting. When I looked out the window, I thought that there was a huge downpour going on. Then when I opened the door, it was just a heavy mist. It was weird!!
Posted by
Jamie G.
8:47 PM
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
"That's just perthect!"
Marina has a new saying. Yesterday, we went to pick up Ryker at school for some much needed doctor appointments. Marina was reading a book in the lobby while we waited for Ryker to come up from his class. The book was stamped with "Wanamaker" in the front, which is the name of their school. She pointed to the "W" and said, "Look mom, my M." I, of course, had to correct her, and then pointed out that it was her M, only upside down. She immediately turned the book upside down, and said, "That's just perthect!" I was laughing so hard!! (on the inside, of course, I was in the school) Anyways, ever since then, she says it all the time. It is so cute, I LOVE it!!
Posted by
Jamie G.
11:12 AM
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Keep Going!!
I know, I posts are always so long!! I just can't decide what to leave out. We just had so much fun this weekend, that I wanted to share it with everyone. Don't miss the acorn post. I think that it got pushed to another page. So, just keep going and scrolling and have some fun while you're at it!!
Posted by
Jamie G.
1:44 PM
Posted by
Jamie G.
1:41 PM
Cool! It's Pink and Purple!!
This is the sky that we woke up to this morning. WOW, what a sight!! I don't think the picture does it justice. The kids thought that it was so neat. Just another perk to living out here, I guess!
Posted by
Jamie G.
1:26 PM
Janice Kapp Perry
After some fun in Lafayette, we went to a fireside with Janice Kapp Perry. For those of you who don't know, my mom invited her to do a fireside in Las Vegas a few weeks back. Sister Perry stayed at my mom's house with them. Well, can I just parents and Brother and Sister Perry are like best friends now. When Sister Perry was there, my mom mentioned that we had just moved to Indiana. Sister Perry told my mom that she would be in Lafayette, and that she would love for us to go and meet her. Well, how could we say no? It was a sweet fireside for the primary. I am so glad we went.
Posted by
Jamie G.
1:20 PM
Wow, Mom Look!
So, we're riding up to Lafayette yesterday. We went up there to see Janice Kapp Perry do a primary fireside. Anyways, back to the story. Ryker was sitting in the middle seat, when he very excitedly yelled, "Hey mom, Look!" I turned around to see what he was doing, when he told me this. "Look, I'm sitting all the way back in the seat, and my feet can touch the floor!" He thought that he was just so big!!
Isn't he so cute!!While we were up in Lafayette, we went to this 1920s living history farm. It was so much fun, and totally hands on. The kids got to go into the chicken coup and collect eggs. This is Ryker with his new friend the rooster. After the picture, he and the rooster had words! The rooster tried to take a bite of Ryker's finger, so after that they weren't friends anymore.
Posted by
Jamie G.
1:13 PM
Miles and Miles of Corn
This picture only represents a very small portion of the fields we saw on our way up to Lafayette. It was so pretty!
Posted by
Jamie G.
1:09 PM
Holy Cow, Real Acorns!!
The kids got so excited when they saw acorns for the 1st time ever!! Jeez, are they deprived or what!?!
Posted by
Jamie G.
11:16 AM
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Autumn Has Arrived Early!
I can't believe how much cooler it is here. The last 2 days when I put the kids on the bus it was 50 degrees. Yikes, isn't that like colder than the high temps for Vegas in the winter? It warms up during the day, to about 80 degrees, so I am not complaining at all. I love this weather. It is just going to get really interesting in the next month or so. The corn fields are starting to turn gold, and the orchards are gearing up for the harvests. I can't wait to take the kids to go and pick apples and pumpkins. There are a couple of farms here that let you come and pick your own produce. They also have fun things for the kids to do. You can climb the big Hay Mountain, or go through the corn mazes, and go for a hay ride. I can't wait!!
Happy Harvest!
Posted by
Jamie G.
9:42 AM
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Thursday, September 6, 2007
I couldn't resist!
Posted by
Jamie G.
11:37 AM
Monday, September 3, 2007
My baby is now 3 years old! CRAZY!! We had a really fun day. Since it was Labor Day, the kids were out of school, and Thomas was off of work. So, we all spent the day together at the Indianapolis Children's Museum. This place is awesome! The one in Vegas is nothing compared to this one. It is 5 stories of tons of fun. We only did about 2 1/2 stories while we were there today. So, it's a good thing that we got a year membership. That way we can go back as often as we want.
Before we left, I took some pictures of Marina.
She wants everyone to know that she is 3 now!! (Finally!)
Boy, does she love to be silly!!
These flowers are in front of the museum. The kids really liked how they flowed out of the pots.
Marina's new thing is to suck the flowers to her nose. she does this almost every morning when we walk the kids to the bus.
I couldn't take very many pictures inside the museum, because the kids were just way too excited. They wouldn't stand still long enough for me take that many. As soon as I would go to take one, they would be heading off to do something else. Here is what I got, though!
The museum has almost a whole floor dedicated to dinosaurs. Here the kids are helping to dig one up. It's really awesome, because it is made out of sand & rubber, so the kids really are digging it up. They said that it takes a couple of months to dig it up, then they bury it again and start over.
Then, they can pretend to be dinosaurs and lay their eggs and take care of them.
Then there is a train section. This is a real train that was donated to the museum. It "takes off" in a lights and sound show every 30 min. It was cool!!
Then they can go, "under the sea" in a submarine. There were lots of fish & ocean things to see and do.
Ryker, of course, loved sitting in this real race car!!
While Thomas took the older 3 to the Spy exhibit, I took Harley & Marina to the 5 and under toddler area. This is where I bring Marina, when the kids are in school. She can easily spend a few hours in here.
Marina loves to plant flowers!
Then we came home, rested for a few hours, and then had a party. Trent, Beth & Megan came over to help Marina celebrate.
They gave her these princesses and a cute Little Mermaid bag.
She loved all of her presents!!
This is the one that I couldn't wait to give her. Notice how big the box is....
Now notice how big the actual play thing is!!
Then we had cake. Not just any cake, Ariel cake!! Marina has been talking about this for at least a month. She finally got her Ariel cake. Maybe now, she can go on to something else!!
The kids had fun being silly and playing with each other.
After Trent, Beth & Megan went home, we brought out the Grand Finale. (This is Megan's old kitchen that Trent & Beth let us give to her)
To end this spectacular day, Jorgiana called!! Marina loves to talk to Jorgi on the phone. She asks me at least 3 times a week if she can call her. It really made her day!
We wish that more of you could have been here to celebrate, but we had a great time anyway!!
Posted by
Jamie G.
9:06 PM